Queen of the Harbour
World's Best 18-Footer - Article from Seacraft 1958 This article from Seacraft in 1958 talks about the main boats and their skippers. The two key people are Len Heffernan and Bill Barnett. Boats include Jantzen Girl, Jenny VI, S.M.V., Toogara and Ajax.
General Requirements Specific Requirements
Watch Heat 2 of the Australian Championships 2008 Watch the video
Watch Heat 2 of the Australian Championships. Yendys takes first place with Harold Cudmore at the helm. Video by Trisha Smith. Watch the video
Watch Heat 1 of the Australian Championships. Mistake takes first place with John Winning at the helm. Video by Trisha Smith Watch the video
Watch Heat 3 of the Australian Championships. Mistake takes first place and Yendys takes a swim. Video by Trisha Smith. Watch the video
Tangalooma Restoration Project - 22 June 2019 We floating the boat around to Pattons a week ago. and hauled it up into the workshop to begin the restoration. Interesting to see the stern with a barge underneath and a crew of people hauling the bowsprit over the wharf and dragging it forward into [...]