Tangalooma Restoration Project – 22 June 2019
We floating the boat around to Pattons a week ago. and hauled it up into the workshop to begin the restoration. Interesting to see the stern with a barge underneath and a crew of people hauling the bowsprit over the wharf and dragging it forward into the workshop. We did some work on Tuesday to try to find the best way to strip the paint. Decided a heat gun on the flat surfaces and stripper for inside around the stringers looked like a good option.
Did a bit more work on Friday and Saturday and now have all the gunwale surfaces, and the transom stripped. They will need a light sand and some filling but are looking good. Inside the boat Greg and Pasquale have been using the paint stripper to remove 25 years of varnish. All under the watchful eye of Robert Tearne. There is probably 2 to 3 days work left inside before we get to the detail work. The stripper is OK to get the bulk of the paint off, but it will need to be finished with a heat gun and sanding.
Next work session is 8-12 on Tuesday.